This foundation’s venture started with the aim of unfolding and understanding the pain and injustice our older people face and how we need to free them from this cycle of grief. With the idea of removing this shadow of darkness and giving top priority to & ‘Healthy Ageing’ and living an optimistic life that has a meaningful impact, the foundation coined the name – “DadiDada Foundation”.
The first big step was taken when DadiDada Foundation's founder director- Muni Shankar Pandey organized its launch event on 3rd March, 2020 at the Constitution Club, New Delhi which was attended by approximately 200 people. The gathering was addressed by several illustrious masters from diverse fields with a wide set of knowledge and views about the pathetic state of the senior citizens across the country and with a determined will to do something about the same.
Discussions and deliberations on the major issues took place where the key note speakers & crucial bodies who came up with brilliant ideas for their well being.
Schemes proposals were put on the table with regard to senior citizens. The main reflections of the gathering was to empower senior citizens in the areas of Health Management, Financial Management and Legal Assistance so that they can lead a better Second Innings.
As people age, their body organs age as well. The people become feeble and sensitive to pain. Many researches that have been done with the aim to understand the changes that happen with age say that bones, the immune system, tissue, limbs, spinal cord, brain – everything undergo some sort of alteration. But “Health is Wealth&”; and we can’t compromise on this aspect. The foundation believes that the advances in technology and medical equipment and medical facilities should be an integral part of the lives of our senior citizens. They should not be deprived of these facilities and so this foundation works towards this.
The whole life senior citizens invest their wealth in the needs of the family in trying to fulfill their wants and desires and therefore don’t save very much for last part of their own lives. As they grow old their life style changes so do their requirements. If they are not financially sound it becomes tough to arrange for all their requirements. We at the foundation feel that their financial security should be our first concern. So our foundation has considered their financial planning and management as an important aspect and we work towards this also.
Everyone has the right to protect their rights regardless of age, money or status. The government has introduced a Senior Citizen law and the foundation feels the need to introduce its intricacies to the senior citizens.

Proper guidance to fight back any inappropriate or hostile behavior of their family will be given under this programme of the foundation. The position of the senior citizens within the family and the society will be strengthened by providing free legal advice and services through the volunteers.

- Our Vision and Mission are very simple – we deal with any field that concerns our senior citizens. We aim to give relief to them by providing all kinds of assistance and facilities including social and recreational activities to older people experiencing loneliness and isolation.
- In this pandemic Covid19 the seniors are more prone to getting affected. If we see the statistics projected by the advisory for senior citizens, approximately 16 crore are above 60 years of age in this country. From this, 6.4 crore are above 70-79 years, 2.8 crore are above 80 years all of whom require medical assistance and 0.18 crore are homeless or deserted by their families. Our keys focus is on taking precautionary measures as this deadly virus is continuously targeting them.
- Funding can be for various activities like research endowment,voluntary work in hospitals, rehabilitation centers calamity relief work, awareness programs, care givers training & arranging employment etc. The main advantage of funding an activity is the opportunity we get to serve the cause of crores of elders.
- Another area we would look into is that of constructing buildings and maintaining villas where the elderly can stay and organizing recreational facilities for them alongside so that they can spend their remaining years in dignity.
The Dadidada Foundation has set up the platform which has created awareness about the issues, problems and also the rights of the older people. It is also planning and conducting programmes to find solutions and answers to the problems of the older generation.
Social media is an excellent promoter for a nascent cause and social media promotions is the best platform to connect with the target audience today. DadiDada Foundation and its thoughts are being promoted on several online platforms like Twitter, Facebook and Whatsapp.
This initiative has been taken with strength in intentions and purity in thoughts, making a promise to ensure justice for those, whose hands we once held to learn how to walk, making sure that we don’t leave them alone to tread the remaining path of their lives.
The foundation has invested in the planning of a manifesto to work for the upliftment of the life and morale of the older people. They are not redundant to society as yet but can still be part of the mainstream and contribute with their storehouse of experience and knowledge.
The journey which started with baby steps is maturing into an enterprise and this mammoth dream will light a lamp of hope in the diverse communities of our country. Our younger generation has to learn to look after the generation above them, those who have brought them into this world and whose bloodline they share. The foundation sees hostility being replaced with hospitality and the environment changing in today’s society in all corners of our country.