In his address, Founder Director of the Dadi Dada Foundation, Shri Muni Shankar Pandey called the attention of the audience towards the condition of the senior citizens in the present times . He touched upon the emergence of the nuclear family system that has left the senior citizens in lurch. He assured that the Foundation would work to provide amiable environment to the senior citizens across the country by offering them selfless support along with free legal-aid and assured them a comfortable “Second Innings”.
Eminent people from different fields shared exceptional information and knowledge on topics of health management, financial assistance and legal assistance for the senior citizens. During the event the participants had an opportunity to listen and discuss on different topics related to ageing.
On 3rd March, 2020, Dadi Dada Foundation organised its launch event, “Let’s Plan Second Innings” at the Constitution Club, New Delhi. The event was open to the public and was attended by approximately 200 people. During the event eminent people and experts from varying fields shared their opinion and showed concern over the conditions of the senior citizens across the country. The event was organised in association with YUVA Academic Partner, Guru Nanak Institute of Management and Rise Always Welfare Society (RAWS) and was sponsored by Steel Authority of India,(SAIL), Gas Authority of India Limited(GAIL), Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited(RINL), National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) and Jindal Power.
As financial security is an imperative part of ageing, therefore necessary tips on financial planning and management along with the present day financial structure were provided to the seniors.