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It is presumed that the retirement age is 60 years and the person has lived his life properly in youth; then some of the habits do need to be changed so as to continuously lead a satisfactory life in old age. Old age do generate drag to the flight of life but it is in our hands to convert this drag into the lift so as to ensure that the flight  of life continues to be sustainable and free from any kind of turbulence.

Macintosh HD:Users:gsbawa:Desktop:Screen Shot 2016-09-04 at 3.30.16 pm.pngThe knowledge gained by us throughout the life, sharp  & focused mental faculty, the opulence at our disposal and the life style of modern era, etc. taken together enhances our efficacy.  This all forces us to rush for things in a mad manner.  When the energy and resources are not there and above all there is no need to rush as ample time is available; Why do we Rush ?   Thus, post retirement, Rushing shall be avoided, rather Stopped.

It is said, ‘Peace is an Asset and it becomes necessity in old age.’  We know multitasking is a stress generator exercise and it can be tolerated only upto a limit and not at all when age and resources are not at your disposal.  Now a days when you go to a Doctor for any ailment, one question is always common ‘ Koi Stress to nahi hai.’ ( Do you have any Stress?).  Doctor knows that the immune system of the human body is impacted negatively when the person is under Stress; be it any kind of anxiety, fear, depression, etc. and the gravity of this further increases in the old age.  Thus, ‘One Thing At a Time’  shall be resorted now.

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The way Stress negatively impact the human body; entertainment and enjoyment impacts it positively and in old age one has more than sufficient time for the same.  It could be listening to music, being with nature, indulging in hobbies, creative pursuits including writing etc.  Thus boldly enjoy the life now because you have earned this  privilege  through the sweat of your life dedicated to your profession.

The journey of life is like farming where the post retirement time is the Harvesting Time.  Thus, it’s the time to introspect.  One must take out some quiet-time for himself.  It is time to ponder upon “ What could have been done better?”  If it needs to be done, it shall be done now, as time is there.  Sharing the wisdom for the generations behind is essential, as has been by many before us which helped us to learn from there experiences.  Life is precious and time spent by us in trying various permutations and combinations and the resultants thereof shall be dully recorded and shared

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Thus, Sharing, Sharing and sharing is the mantra for leading a satisfactory life

                                                                                   GS BAWA   (Author, a retired Officer at a Senior position from a Gol PSU}


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